working with grep with examples
- Find all users who have /bin/bash as shell and write it to /home/dipika/users_with_bash.txt
grep “/bin/bash” /etc/passwd > /home/dipika/users_with_bash.txt
- Find if the user Reewa or reewa exist in system and write the list to /home/dipika/users.txt
grep -w ‘[Rr]eewa’ /etc/passwd > /home/dipika/users.txt
grep -i ‘reewa’ /etc/passwd > /home/dipika/users.txt
grep -i ‘^reewa’ /etc/passwd > /home/dipika/users.txthints: -w is used to find out exact work match. -i is used for case insensitive search and [Rr] will search for either R or r in first position, in given example. Similarly, ^ sign in last example indicates that reewa should be at the begining of line. so it will only match reewa in username, if for example a person has rtamrakar as username and reewa tamrakar as full name (GECOS), then it will not match that. I prefer third example, which gives accurate result.
- Find all users who have /sbin/nologin as shell and write only username and home directory to /users_with_nologin.
grep ‘/sbin/nologin$’ /etc/passwd|cut -d: -f1,6 > /users_with_nologin
- Find all normal users whose uid/gid are 1000 or above and write the result to /users_with_id_above_1000.txt.
grep ‘[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]’ /etc/passwd /users_with_id_above_1000.txt
hints: [ ] are used to find out the matches, where each box [ ] represent 1 digit so, first digit should be 1 to 9, and rest should be 0 to 9. Plese remrmber that, were are matching digits assuming that only uid and gid will have digits.
- Find all users whose first three characters are ree, 4th character can be any and the 5th/last character should be a.
grep ‘^ree.a’ /etc/passwd
hints: . can be use to represent single character.
- Match word reewa or reeva in /etc/passwd and write it to /root/reewa_reeva.txt
egrep ‘(reewa|reeva)’ /etc/passwd > /root/reewa_reeva.txt
hints: egrep support additional parameters, one example is ussing or operator in () like in example above
echo reewa >/a.txt
echo reeva >> /a.txt
grep -f /a.txt /etc/passwd > /root/reewa_reeva.txt
- Find name rewa or reewa in /etc/passwd
egrep ‘re{1,2}wa’ /etc/passwd
hints: {min,max } will match sequence of characters. In above example e{1,2} will mtch e or ee, i.e 1 or 2 e.
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